Saturday, July 13, 2013

JULY chores...

Come in the evening,
or come in the morning;
Come when you're look'd for,
or come without warning:
Kisses and welcome
you'll find here before you,
And the oftener you come here
the more I'll adore you!

~Thomas Osborne Davis

Sweet SUMMER time has definitely
arrived here at the farm...
the gardens are in their BEST of show!

One garden chore for the month of July is a must;
gathering seeds from the many perennials, bi-annuals
& annuals that grace the gardens.
Gardeners are ALWAYS planning ahead, that's
part of the game of gardening, right!

HOLLYHOCKS are JUST one of those that are
forming dried, seed heads... & oh, how
valuable those little pods are!

So grab your apron, shears & a brimmed hat
& come along for a grande, ole' time
amongst the BEAUTY of God's creation!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Once again...

"I never had a policy;
I have just tried to do my very best
each and every day"

Abraham Lincoln

Sweet Day... folks!

It's going to be a grande day here at the farm...
First & foremost... I will be readying the shop for reopening...
a LONG awaited event that has JUST now
came into focus.

Scrubbing & tiding up the front porch, so I can add
baskets & baskets of planted flowers, along with
oodles of rustic, garden wares.

I have to say... I'm TRULY delighted, for this
opportunity again... the pages of another
chapter have been turned
once again!

Monday, July 8, 2013

My Cup RUNNETH Over...

Days have been overwhelming, to say the least!

MUCH to tend to, orders to get out,
mouths to feed, plants to water, gardens to hoe...
I guess you would say...
my cup runneth over, in a pleasing way, I might add!
BUT, I've really... really tried to create
time for JUST sitting... & to ENJOY
what we have set forth to build!

Things may NOT be perfect... OR well tended too,
like the days of the past.  SOMEHOW, I have
slowly evolved OR graduated out of that DEEP
need... to, ummmm, let's say... 'JUMP' when I see
a duty OR chore that has been left undone.
I've latched onto the small moments that
come ONLY once, moments that may have
passed me by, otherwise.

Often times, I find it hard to express myself...
ALWAYS wanting to share my heart, soul & whole being
with whomever may be welling to listen...
 to shine a light, lift a hurting spirit OR
give someone HOPE that all will be WELL!

You see... I'm JUST a daughter, mother, wife,
farmgirl, gardener, entrepreneur that lives in the
Bluegrass State of Kentucky trying to
offer OR share the passion of
creating BEAUTY... to intensify the
SIMPLENESS of everyday living, to share
with 'YOU' that SUCCESS isn't all about money...
it's about FULL-FILLING the desire's of your inner soul! 

We can alter what SUCCESS is... to EACH individual!

TODAY... I have shared a TRUE me... a me that
wants to bring about a better atmosphere
among folks... 'YOU' can build your
own community within communities...

Offer a WARM handshake, a SMILE
OR a SWEET compliment...
'YOU' may be JUST what changes
the environment for a better world!

God knows my/our heart &
the SINCERITY behind our gestures!

Shine BRIGHT for the world to see...