Thursday, May 1, 2014

SIMPLE Garden Days...

Oh... Happy Day!

Sweet... GREETINGS from the farm!

Spring has definitely SPRUNG about the gardens here, & the
WEEDS have taken on a lead, that seems ALMOST
unapproachable to JUST get in position to control
the take-over!  Especially when the intent is to maintain
the grounds chemical-FREE!  
This DAILY job involves; endless hours, knee pad, garden gloves, 
a set of  'Corona ~ Garden Tools'
 (PLEASE, visit the link, to learn more),
apron, floppy, brimmed hat... OR scarf & a tall, glass
of sweet tea in the distance!
Volunteers are WELCOME... ;D

And of course, we are DELIGHTED 
with Nature's own... with the return of spring ALWAYS
bring the Robin's in for nesting & nurturing their young!

SWEET blossoms are standing tall as the spring
days go about... such as the ole-fashion... 'Bleeding Heart', one
in which bring you to the days of long ago, whether it be
your mother's garden OR grandmother... it was & STILL

today is a MUST for the shade garden!

Hoping this day finds YOU well & on your way to the garden... with an IMPORTANT reminder... 
that TODAY is 'The National Day of Prayer'...
'One Voice United in Prayer'!

Blessings... from my garden to YOURS!

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GREETINGS... from the farm & THANK YOU... for your time visiting here! I'm DELIGHTED... & hope YOU a blessed, JOYFUL day! ~Pamela Rene