Monday, December 23, 2013

The season for 'HOME'...

Glad tidings... my dear friends!
It's Monday... & we are actually THERE, the one day
of the year that we anticipate the most,
the birth of our Lord & Savior... Jesus Christ!

I truly hope that this finds you settled in & ready
for Christmas Day.  There is NO better feeling then knowing
all is well, to allow those precious moments to be
cherished with family & friends, to peacefully
sit by the fireside savoring the warmth of home
while singing old-time, Christmas carols!

Creating a HOME for your loved ones to gather is truly
an honor for me.  Just the small touches of wrapping your home
with coziness inside for everyone to feel that warm
WELCOME that comes from the heart!
As your going about in the kitchen, most definitely
the staple of the home... tie on an apron, GREET folks
with a smile & always have freshly, baked
goodes to offer!

Hoping YOU the merriest of days... 

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GREETINGS... from the farm & THANK YOU... for your time visiting here! I'm DELIGHTED... & hope YOU a blessed, JOYFUL day! ~Pamela Rene