Monday, June 1, 2015

Where Days R Well Spent...

I had rather be on my farm
than be an emperor of the world.
- George Washington

The 1st day of June, dawned EARLY...
here at the farm!  There's SO much to be had within
the next, few weeks with upcoming
deadlines, project completions & a GRAND
show in the fix.

Of course... the farm duties are repeat
actions, NO matter the moment, everyday
chores that wait for no one!  SO, I've
been REALLY trying to capture those
EARLY morning dew drops
between my toes, as I tip through
the grass to start the day!

The 'ladies' find it quite welcoming
for the EARLY morning greetings,
from inside the coops, now!

For the days past... consisted of them
WELCOMING me outside the back gate
to the porch, bickering frantically that
I had forgotten them!

Oh, how they ADORE me now... :)

The mornings bring SUCH beauty
as the stroll takes me toward the coops!

The 'Annabelle' Hydrangea's... are scattered,
tucked & nestled throughout the gardens!
They are now, JUST a memory in sight... though,
while giving way to other 'Hydrangea' varieties
to make a show!

As previously mentioned... 
I'm in complex preparation for one of the
GRANDEST shows/pop-up fairs in the South!
'Beehind Thyme Farm & Garden'
will be attending as a vendor, as well as
being a guest speaker for both days there
at the event!

Be sure to mark your calendars for one,
fabulous time of shopping, gathering idea's,
eating & ENJOYING the talented hymns
that will be offered!

'City Farmhouse Pop-Up Fair'
June 19th & 20th

With the date moving at a rapid speed & time
seems to have been cut in half...
I STILL long 
to offer EACH of YOU
 a glimpse into 
the days that are WELL spent 
here at the farm!

Hope to see YOU... soon!
BLESSED day...

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GREETINGS... from the farm & THANK YOU... for your time visiting here! I'm DELIGHTED... & hope YOU a blessed, JOYFUL day! ~Pamela Rene