Wednesday, February 26, 2014


(photo: grown & custom designed by 'Beehind Thyme Farm & Garden')

It surely doesn't hurt to dream a bit...
of warmer days accompanied with an abundance of blooms!

These were designed with a Cottage-Style color theme!

BLESSINGS from the farm, my dear friends!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

An 'Intimate' WORKSHOP...

Greetings... SWEET friends!
Hoping this day finds you filled with
JOY & well on your way!

I JUST wanted to take a moment...
to inform you, this up-coming Saturday, March 1st
there will an intimate size, WORKSHOP
here at the farm!  It involves a touch of class with
brunch being served, instructions & hands on painting,
along with a take-home, finished work of art!

For details... PLEASE, feel free to message me!
Further info will be granted later this evening
with sketch of what's in store for the
hands-on painting project!

AGAIN... these WORKSHOPS are limited in size!
I TRULY look forward to seeing you!

BLESSINGS, from the farm... 

Monday, February 24, 2014


(photo: my precious son & 'Miss Mabel')


from the farm, 'Miss Mabel' style!

Hoping ALL is well...

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Garden LEGACY...

(photo: '2013' gardens)

Welcome... to another day here at the farm, 
where there is MUCH tending to do & the 
days have NO end!
I was raised by a HARD-working mother that
never tarried a bit... & nothing OR anyone went
unattended too!

(photo: '2013' gardens)

The farm here is scattered with her love

for gardening!  As a reminder of her legacy...
her dear words of wisdom & her worn hands, these
lily bulbs where gathered from my ole', home place &
planted among others here.

(photo: '2013' gardens)

JUST as other spring bulbs have came to grow & flourish...
due to her gentleness for ALL living things!

My dear, precious 'momma' will forever reward
her loved ones that still remain, by her
growing gardens she sustained here on the farm!

And as time allows, I will surely share more
of ALL that awaits it's turn for glory!

BLESSINGS, from the farm... & with GREAT LOVE!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Sweet GREETINGS, from the farm...

Each year as we all approach the month 
of February... it seems that the heart & mind 
unconsciously tunes into a sweeter spirit!

We know it's the month of 'LOVE'... 'ROMANCE' & 'GRATITUDE'!
The time to offer up small tokens that are
packaged to detail, as a reminder that it's
'Valentine's Day'!

And with that being said...
I SO graciously wanted to offer/contribute
to this HEART-FELT day, in showing
a bit of LOVE from the farm!

NOW... til February 16th, 2014...
over at my...
'Beehind Thyme MarketPlace'

(click on link above)

I'm offering a 20% SALE on each & every item in shoppe!
At checkout JUST enter coupon code OFFERLOVE2014 to 
receive that discount!

Hoping you a LOVELY day...  

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Winter GOODNESS...

Winter days seem to make baking...
a quilt-free, pleasure! And to allow the time
to create an EXTRA, sweetness into the
YUMMY'S that are to be!

Freshly, baked, gingerbread 'Hearts' await your arrival...

Sunday BLESSINGS, from the farm...

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Meaningful Words From... ©'MY APRON POCKET'!

(photo location: beehind thyme farm & garden©)

Well, folks... here we are again, coming to
another weeks end!  Over a week has passed since
my presence here... with ALL intention of being
here at least each Wednesday, if NOT more!
BUT as life has been lived... the lessons have been
taught, that my path may NOT always be His way!
(photo location: beehind thyme farm & garden©)

For you see in... John 15:5, He speaks of a 
partnership, the results of teamwork, the reality
that without HIM, we can do NOTHING!

I am the vine, ye are the branches:
He that abideth in me, and I in him,
the same bringeth forth much fruit: for
without me ye can do nothing.
John 15:5
(photo location: beehind thyme farm & garden©)

Throughout life there has always been
a yearning, a placement of desire for me
to share OR to inform sweet folks
the fruit of the Spirit that are there, available for them.

BUT, at the same time... I'm pondering on WHERE
are mine, LORD, You have so graciously promised us?
THEN... I happened upon them, they became
clear to me... through the trials, the long suffering,
the chaffing, those moments where life
is less than perfect!
For the blinders of the flesh were
fading out the fruit of the Spirit, creating
a deeper pit of grieving & despair for me.

BUT... Love, joy, peace, long suffering 
(yes, long
suffering is apart of the fruit of the Spirit), 
gentleness, goodness,
faith & meekness 
where THERE all the while...
shining bright 
for all to see!
The unfruitful, barren & unproductive life is NOT meant for us, my friends!

SWEET & DEAR blessings from the farm...