Tuesday, February 25, 2014

An 'Intimate' WORKSHOP...

Greetings... SWEET friends!
Hoping this day finds you filled with
JOY & well on your way!

I JUST wanted to take a moment...
to inform you, this up-coming Saturday, March 1st
there will an intimate size, WORKSHOP
here at the farm!  It involves a touch of class with
brunch being served, instructions & hands on painting,
along with a take-home, finished work of art!

For details... PLEASE, feel free to message me!
Further info will be granted later this evening
with sketch of what's in store for the
hands-on painting project!

AGAIN... these WORKSHOPS are limited in size!
I TRULY look forward to seeing you!

BLESSINGS, from the farm... 

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GREETINGS... from the farm & THANK YOU... for your time visiting here! I'm DELIGHTED... & hope YOU a blessed, JOYFUL day! ~Pamela Rene